Jbuilder - 通过一个构建式DSL创建JSON结构
github地址: https://github.com/rails/jbuilder
Jbuilder gives you a simple DSL for declaring JSON structures that beats manipulating giant hash structures. This is particularly helpful when the generation process is fraught with conditionals and loops. Here's a simple example:
# app/views/messages/show.json.jbuilder json.content format_content(@message.content) json.(@message, :created_at, :updated_at) json.author do json.name @message.creator.name.familiar json.email_address @message.creator.email_address_with_name json.url url_for(@message.creator, format: :json) end if current_user.admin? json.visitors calculate_visitors(@message) end json.comments @message.comments, :content, :created_at json.attachments @message.attachments do |attachment| json.filename attachment.filename json.url url_for(attachment) end
This will build the following structure:
{ "content": "<p>This is <i>serious</i> monkey business</p>", "created_at": "2011-10-29T20:45:28-05:00", "updated_at": "2011-10-29T20:45:28-05:00", "author": { "name": "David H.", "email_address": "'David Heinemeier Hansson' <david@heinemeierhansson.com>", "url": "http://example.com/users/1-david.json" }, "visitors": 15, "comments": [ { "content": "Hello everyone!", "created_at": "2011-10-29T20:45:28-05:00" }, { "content": "To you my good sir!", "created_at": "2011-10-29T20:47:28-05:00" } ], "attachments": [ { "filename": "forecast.xls", "url": "http://example.com/downloads/forecast.xls" }, { "filename": "presentation.pdf", "url": "http://example.com/downloads/presentation.pdf" } ] }
To define attribute and structure names dynamically, use the set!
json.set! :author do json.set! :name, 'David' end # => {"author": { "name": "David" }}
To merge existing hash or array to current context:
hash = { author: { name: "David" } } json.post do json.title "Merge HOWTO" json.merge! hash end # => "post": { "title": "Merge HOWTO", "author": { "name": "David" } }
Top level arrays can be handled directly. Useful for index and other collection actions.
# @comments = @post.comments json.array! @comments do |comment| next if comment.marked_as_spam_by?(current_user) json.body comment.body json.author do json.first_name comment.author.first_name json.last_name comment.author.last_name end end # => [ { "body": "great post...", "author": { "first_name": "Joe", "last_name": "Bloe" }} ]
You can also extract attributes from array directly.
# @people = People.all json.array! @people, :id, :name # => [ { "id": 1, "name": "David" }, { "id": 2, "name": "Jamie" } ]
Jbuilder objects can be directly nested inside each other. Useful for composing objects.
class Person # ... Class Definition ... # def to_builder Jbuilder.new do |person| person.(self, :name, :age) end end end class Company # ... Class Definition ... # def to_builder Jbuilder.new do |company| company.name name company.president president.to_builder end end end company = Company.new('Doodle Corp', Person.new('John Stobs', 58)) company.to_builder.target! # => {"name":"Doodle Corp","president":{"name":"John Stobs","age":58}}
You can either use Jbuilder stand-alone or directly as an ActionView template language. When required in Rails, you can create views a la show.json.jbuilder (the json is already yielded):
# Any helpers available to views are available to the builder json.content format_content(@message.content) json.(@message, :created_at, :updated_at) json.author do json.name @message.creator.name.familiar json.email_address @message.creator.email_address_with_name json.url url_for(@message.creator, format: :json) end if current_user.admin? json.visitors calculate_visitors(@message) end
You can use partials as well. The following will render the file views/comments/_comments.json.jbuilder
, and set a local variable comments
with all this message's comments, which you can use inside the partial.
json.partial! 'comments/comments', comments: @message.comments
It's also possible to render collections of partials:
json.array! @posts, partial: 'posts/post', as: :post # or json.partial! 'posts/post', collection: @posts, as: :post # or json.partial! partial: 'posts/post', collection: @posts, as: :post # or json.comments @post.comments, partial: 'comments/comment', as: :comment
You can pass any objects into partial templates with or without :locals
json.partial! 'sub_template', locals: { user: user } # or json.partial! 'sub_template', user: user
You can explicitly make Jbuilder object return null if you want:
json.extract! @post, :id, :title, :content, :published_at json.author do if @post.anonymous? json.null! # or json.nil! else json.first_name @post.author_first_name json.last_name @post.author_last_name end end
To prevent Jbuilder from including null values in the output, you can use the ignore_nil!
json.ignore_nil! json.foo nil json.bar "bar" # => { "bar": "bar" }
Fragment caching is supported, it uses Rails.cache
and works like caching in HTML templates:
json.cache! ['v1', @person], expires_in: 10.minutes do json.extract! @person, :name, :age end
You can also conditionally cache a block by using cache_if!
like this:
json.cache_if! !admin?, ['v1', @person], expires_in: 10.minutes do json.extract! @person, :name, :age end
If you are rendering fragments for a collection of objects, have a look at jbuilder_cache_multi
gem. It uses fetch_multi (>= Rails 4.1) to fetch multiple keys at once.
Keys can be auto formatted using key_format!
, this can be used to convert keynames from the standard ruby_format to camelCase:
json.key_format! camelize: :lower json.first_name 'David' # => { "firstName": "David" }
You can set this globally with the class method key_format
(from inside your environment.rb for example):
Jbuilder.key_format camelize: :lower
Faster JSON backends
Jbuilder uses MultiJson, which by default will use the JSON gem. That gem is currently tangled with ActiveSupport's all-Ruby #to_json
implementation, which is slow (fixed in Rails >= 4.1). For faster Jbuilder rendering, you can specify something like the Yajl JSON generator instead. You'll need to include the yajl-ruby
gem in your Gemfile and then set the following configuration for MultiJson:
require 'multi_json' MultiJson.use :yajl
Contributing to Jbuilder
Jbuilder is the work of many contributors. You're encouraged to submit pull requests, propose features and discuss issues.
Jbuilder is released under the MIT License.